Saturday, June 28, 2014

Egg shell membrane

                              Five Natural Healing Benefits

      Who would have thought that the thin layer of skin in a egg shell has healing power? Before you place that egg shell in the trash read about these 5 uses for egg shell membrane (the thin lining in the shell). A few days ago I was bitten by a spider. At first site the bite mark resembled a pimple. It wasn't until it became very hard, red and painful that I realize what it truly was. My boyfriend advised me to put egg shell membrane on the bite to heal  and dislodge what I assumed was a pimple. He told me to crack the egg, remove the thin lining and place it (wet side down) on the infected area until it dries. I did this right before bed with prayers that it would stop the pain of this bite. The next morning not only was the pain gone but so was the swelling and redness. I decided to do a little research and find out what other healing powers egg shell membrane had. I will now think twice before I throw my egg shells away.
  1. SPIDER/ INSECT BITES: Egg shell membranes will soften the infected area, eliminate the pain and get rid of the redness and inflammation. Apply it to the infect area until it is dry. If your condition does not improve or worsen in 24 hours please visit a doctor.
  2. BLACKHEADS/PIMPLES: Egg shell membranes help to clear up minor acne as well. for blackheads it work similar to Biore strips. Place it on the blackhead and when It dry slowly peel back the lining pulling the blackhead out. For pimples place lining on infect area and remove when dry. The next day your pimple should be smaller or gone. Continue use until the pimple is completely gone.
  3. BOILS: Egg shell membranes are great for dislodging boils. place on boil until the lining harden, then remove. This will soften the boil over time. Keep reapplying until boil is dislodged.
  4. CUTS AND SCRATCHES: Egg shell membranes promote healing in cuts and scratches. Place the lining on the cut and place a bandage on top. Not only will it heal your cut, it will also lessen your chance of having a scar.
  5.  JOINT PAIN: If you have a aching back or knees? Egg shell membranes have been used by athletes for years to help with joint pain. Taken in supplement form it can eliminate joint pain in a few weeks.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor nor am I a medical expert. Please research or consult your doctor for more information.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

12 week clean eating journey

                                       JOURNEY WEEK 2

     Week one went by pretty quickly and I must say although I'm taking baby steps, it was not as easy as I thought it would be. Before I go into Week 2 lets recap week one and how I did on each step.
  • Organizing my cabinets and slowly getting rid of all unhealthy foods. This part of the task was surprisingly easy for me. I didn't have too me unhealthy snacks to get rid if. When it was all said and done I had some fresh baked cookies (that went pretty fast lol) and pop tarts which I don't eat. I love the end results and it was really easy to maintain.

  • Drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water. The first 2 days did not go well. I drank two 20 oz bottles of water and I quickly found myself cheating with my strawberry lemonade or iced tea. On the third day I began to feel bad about not being more disciplined. I found it easier to fill my 28 oz  GNC cup twice a day and that worked out better for me vs drinking 8 glasses of water. I drank one eight ounce glass before bed.


  • Pack my lunch. This was the hardest one to follow. I started off very strong taking home made meals and fresh fruit, along with two bottles of water with me daily. As the week went on I started making excuses "I don't have time" "I need to go to the market" or "I'm running late. To fix these issues I will shop for my lunch at the beginning of the week and pack it at night.



  • NO FAST FOOD: This truly needs no explanation. Not only is fast food filled with preservatives, it is also filled with a ton of calories. It is recommended that you consume between 1500-2000 calories a day. One meal at your favorite fast food restaurant can be anywhere between 700-1200 calories. If you consume one fast food meal, two additional meals, 2 snacks and a few sugary drinks you can easily consume 3x the amount that you're suppose to eat daily

  • FRUITS AND VEGGIES: I will eat 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. I will also try new fruits and vegetables. If I don't like the taste of the fruit or vegetable I will blend it in a smoothie. Blending it of juicing it with other fruits that I like will allow me to benefit from the nutrients of the fruits and vegetable with dealing with the unwanted taste.

  • CLEANSING: I will be doing a cleanse this week. I will cleanse my colon using a super colon cleanse. I will eliminate sugar, caffeine, and have very little salt intake. I will also be drinking a glass of dandelion tea every night. This tea is great for purifying blood, aids in digest, and improves liver, kidneys and pancreas amongst many other benefits.


     They say that it takes 22 days to create a habit but how long does it take to BREAK a habit? For the last year I have been going back and forth with eating healthy and unhealthy. I have tried it all from fruit/veggie detox to being a vegetarian for a few weeks. I would always start off strong but after a few weeks of healthy eating I would tell myself I deserve a treat and well.............(you get the point). I could never figure out why I could not stay focused. I continually made excuses for my bad eating habits and the not so smart purchases were being made at the supermarket. I would make excuses for myself like  "The kids need these cookies for their lunch" or "One sugary drink won't hurt". The problem with those theories are that I always end up eating the cookies and one sugary drink quickly turn into 3 or 4. I'm not sure of where this 12 week clean eating journey will take me but I am hoping that it will help me create better eating habits for me and my family.
     I chose to do a 12 week journey because I realized that making so many changes at once only made me crave the unhealthy foods more. I am hoping that by making a few small changes each week, I will create better habits and stick to them. Every Monday I will post the steps I will take that week to create better eating habits on this journey. I will be sharing any delicious healthy recipes I discover along the way.  Updates will be posted on how I did on the previous week. Please join me on becoming healthier. This journey will start Monday June 2, 2014 and will end on August 25, 2014.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a fitness expert. This is my personal journey to having a healthier lifestyle. I do not claim to know everything about fitness and health. Please consult your doctor before starting any fitness/exercise plan.
Week 1
  • CLEANING OUT MY CABINETS: The first step to a healthy eating habit is to fill your cabinets with healthy foods. I will not be replacing any sugary snacks. I am not telling you to throw anything away. Lets face it, food is expensive! I intend to use all food items in my cabinets, however once it is gone I will replace it with healthier snack alternatives.

  • WATER: I will drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water. The easiest way to do this is to drink a glass first thing in the morning, a glass before and after each meal and a glass before you go to bed. I am hoping that it will keep me hydrated and help to curve my cravings for ice tea and Wendy's strawberry lemonade. djm ! If I do have a craving for a sweet drink I will try Mios or herbal tea with honey. I am going to try to do without the Mios and tea though :)

  • PACKING MY LUNCH: To avoid making impulse purchases at the vending machines at work, I will be packing my lunch.

If you are taking this journey with me thank you and good luck. Please subscribe to be updated each week on this clean eating journey. If you have any tips or great recipes please feel free to comment below.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Who should I tip?

Who should I tip?
            and HOW MUCH??!!.............................


     Many people find it confusing as to who to tip and how much. There are no real "rules" for tipping, and the etiquette of it really depends on the individual. Besides many different opinions on who and how much to tip, customs can also vary by countries.  Ask a dozen people when and how much they tip, and you'll get a dozen different answers. Although there are no set rules for tipping, here are some guidelines to help you understand who we should tip and how much they should receive. After browsing several different sites I was able to gather what the average tip should be.

Food Service

$1/drink (or 15% of total bill).
Delivery person
10%, $2 minimum
No tip required unless something special is done
15% for adequate service, 20% for exceptional service. For poor service, leave 10% or less. If the service was extremely poor do not leave a tip.
Hotel Staff
$1 to $2 per bag, $5 minimum.
$5-$20 depending on the service. $20 if he does something exceptional. Nothing for directions.
$2 to $5 per night, paid daily or as a lump sum at checkout.
Parking Valet
$2 to $5 when your car is retrieved.
Room service
$5 minimum (unless gratuity is included in check)
Bus driver (not mass transit)
$1 to $2, if he handles luggage
Cab driver
10%, $2-$5 minimum
Gas station attendant
Nothing. (If you received great service $2-$4)

Personal service
10-15% and $5 to each individual who shampoos or blow-dries your hair!
Spa service
$2 or $3
Coat checker
Most sites recommend $1-$2 per coat upon retrieval.
Furniture deliverer
Most $5-$20 or atleast offer them a cold drink.
Grocery store bagger
One site recommended $1-$3, though I’ve never seen one tipped in my life.
$10-$25 per person

Some points regarding tipping etiquette: Information provided by
  • If you use a coupon or gift certificate, calculate your tip based on the total before discount.
  • Tip above the norm if:
    • Service is exceptional,
    • You’ve been a burden, or
    • You are a regular client.
  • Don’t tip if it’s not deserved. Poor service should not be rewarded.
  • In some circumstances, if you offer an initial tip — especially a large initial tip — you’ll get better service.
  • If you take up a restaurant table for a long time, tip extra.
  • Tip discreetly.
  • When in doubt, tip.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Strawberries A natural skin care remedy

        A natural Skin Care Remedy   


     We all know that strawberries are delicious to eat but did you know that strawberries are also great for your skin? Strawberries have Vitamin C which helps to keep the skin’s elasticity and helps renew skin cells. Strawberries are also a great skin cleanser. The seeds from the strawberries acts as an exfoliate while the Salicylic acid in strawberries help remove dead skin cells from your face, tightening the pores. Here are 3 great benefits of using strawberries on your skin.
  1. Natural treatment for acne: Vitamin C and salicylic acid in strawberries help to clear up acne and reduces oily skin. Facial mask made with fresh strawberries are great for people with damaged skin or acne prone skin. It will also give dull skin a wonderful glow. If you have dull, damaged or acne prone skin, you may benefit from the following home made facial mask.  Blend the following ingredients together: 6 medium strawberries, 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Use a cheap or old concealer brush to evenly apply to your skin. Leave mask on for 10-15 minutes or until completely dry. Rinse with cool water and pat skin dry. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer. This strawberry treatment should be done at least three times a week to get rid of acne naturally. Place unused facial mask in a air tight container. Facial mask can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.
  2. Great Exfoliate: Strawberries are an excellent exfoliate. A strawberry scrub is a great way to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin soft and moisturized. You can prepare a strawberry scrub by pureeing 6 to 8 strawberries and mixing them with two cups of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Gently massage into dry, rough skin using a circular motion. Wash off with clean cold water and follow up with your favorite moisturizer. If you do not know how to puree strawberries please view the below video. (I do not own any rights to the below video)
  3. Reduces puffiness under eyes:  Strawberries can reduce puffiness and circles beneath the eyes. Simply cut strawberries into this slices and place the strawberry slices under your eyes and relax for 10 to 12 minutes. Wash your face with cold water and moisturize using your favorite moisturizer.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Bucket List

What's on your bucket list?

What is a Bucket List? A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you uhhhhhhh Kick the Bucket! This list usually consist of our lifetime goals that we often dream of doing. Some people include adrenaline rush activities such as sky diving, mountain climbing, cliff jumping and watering skiing. While others want to travel to places like Africa, Europe and Brazil. Whatever your bucket list maybe; whether it be exciting, humbling, or adventurous, I would love to see and be updated on your journey. I'm going to share with you the top ten things on my Bucket list.

  1. Traveling: Being born and raised in Baltimore MD, I didn't travel very much. Other than our yearly trip to Gastonia NC and a occasional trip to New York City, Baltimore was all I knew. I have always wanted to visit other states, continents, and countries. As a photographer I would love to capture the beauty of different cultures. 
  2. Volunteer: As dangerous as it may be, I have always wanted to go to third world countries to help their needy. I would look at feed the children commercial and always feel the need to help them. A financial donations was never enough for me. I don't really know how to volunteer for these programs. If you have information on how I can volunteer in a third world country please email me at
  3. Mentor: I look at our children and I'm instantly sadden by the path they are taking. I would love to share with our youth all the mistakes I made as well as show them just how much potential they truly have. If you know any programs where I can volunteer as a mentor for troubled youth, please email me at
  4. Meet my favorite youtube celebrities: You may find this one funny but it truly would make my day to meet Taren Guy, Nikkie Mae, The LaVigne family, Brian Bee, Paul Kim and David So to name a few. These wonderful folks have helped me through bad hair days, made me laugh, or sooth my ears with something different than the normal crap they play on the radio.
  5. Have my blog reach 1,000,000 views or more: If you're gonna dream, than dream big (enough said).
  6. Road trip across the united states: I would love to take 6 months and travel EVERYWHERE in the United States, taking beautiful photos. 
  7. Camping: I want to go camping with my sons. No phones, No computers, No tablets, No video games....No No No!! just the simple things in life spending quality time together.
  8. Conquer my fear of heights: I want to go Sky Diving. I know I'm going to scream the entire way down but atleast I would have conquered my fear head on :/
  9. Be successful as a photographer and blogger: I want to be Anti 9-5, making my own schedule and controlling my own destiny
  10. Waist length hair: I've always had long hair as a child but once I decided that my mother no longer needed to do my hair, those long hair days have been long gone. 
Now that I have shared my Buck List with you, What are some of your goals that you want to complete before you kick the bucket?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

March fitness giveaway

                 March Fitness Giveaway
Contest has been postponed due to incomplete entries. You must be subscribed to myblog to enter.

     Summer is 4 months away and now is a great time to get fit. Whether you want to lose weight, tone your body or live a healthier lifestyle, this giveaway may be perfect for you. The rules for entry is very simple!! 


  1. You must subscribe to my blog (you must be signed into your google or gmail account to do so)
  2. You must leave your name in the comments below along with a brief message describing what your fitness goals are. (you must be signed into your google or gmail account to do so)
  3. If you have trouble subscribing and want your name entered for a chance to win this giveaway please email me at 
March giveaway prize includes:

  • Two 2lb Dumbbells
  • One weighted skip rope
  • One Latex Stretch yoga band
  • One exercise book with 50 Best Shape-up Exercises
This Giveaway is perfect for a beginner who doesn't know where to start.

Winner will be announced March 1, 2014 at 5 pm. All entries must be in by February 28, 2014 Midnight. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

What I'm currently reading.

My Current Read

"Change your words change your life" by Joyce Meyer


If you have never listened to this woman speak you are truly missing out. I purchased this book because the title spoke to me. I would often say things without thinking, never truly realizing the affect that words that you can't take back can truly damage someone. This book is definitely a must buy if you are trying to change the way you use your words. Words are very powerful and should be used very carefully, not carelessly.

Hard Water

          Do you have hard water?


What is hard water?
    Hard water is water that has high mineral content. Hard drinking water is not harmful to one's health, but it can be costly. Hard water can cause damage to your dish washer, washing machine, or boiler. Hard water is often indicated by lack of suds formation when soap is agitated in water. Hard water contains salts, calcium, magnesium, chloride and sulfates that can cause damage to your hair and skin. Hard water can also make your clothes appear dull and discolored giving them a shorter life span. Hard water can also cause your utility bill to go up due to the accumulated scale in the water heater. Scale is a conductor of heat, increasing the energy needed to heat the water. In other words, your water heater is working extra hard because the large amount of minerals and magnesium in the hard water.

5 Signs that you have hard water

  1. DRY SKIN: If your skin is dry and itchy no matter how much you moiturize it than you probably have hard water. Have you spent tons of money on expensive soap, lotion, creams and moisturizers and no matter what you purchase or how much you apply it your skin remain dry. Is your skin breaking out for no reason? Your not stressed, you eat right, and you have a good skin care regiment? Hard water may be your problem. Hard water have been known to make acne and eczema worse.
  2. DRY AND DULL HAIR: You just washed and deep conditioned your hair. The conditioner is in your hair and your hair feel amazing on your fingers. Now it's time to rinse and your hair now feel hard and unmanagable. To make matters worse your hair look dry, dull and lifeless. You began to moisturize and seal hoping it will help but no such luck. You may be a victim of hard water.
  3. YELLOW STAINS IN YOUR SINK, TUB AND TOILET: Your brand new tub has lost its pearly white shine and has been replaced with nasty yellow stains that Mr. Clean or Clorox can not remove. The excessive minerals in the water are causing your water to leave these ugly stains.
  4. WHITE FILM ON YOUR GLASSWARE: When you get out of the shower does your bathroom mirror have water stains? Does your glasses, coffee pots or pans have streaks, water stains or a white film after they've been washed? These a sign of hard water.
  5. LAUNDRY NOT COMING CLEAN: Does your clothes look dull after you wash them. Do your white clothes come out off white or rusty looking? These are all signs of hard water.
Simple Solutions

So now that we are caught up on what hard water is, as well as the damage that it can cause, lets talk solutions. 

  1. WATER SOFTNER: You can purchase a water softener from walmart. Water softener is a substance that softens hard water by removing certain minerals, calcium and magnesium from hard water.
  2. WATER FILTER: You can purchase filters for your faucets and shower to help soften the water. Amazon sell some amazing shower filters starting at $69.
  3. DISTILLED OR PURIFIED WATER: if you can not afford a filter, I suggest you purchase some distilled or purified water when washing your face or hair. Hard water can make your hair hard and brittle. It can also cause your face to break out. Purchase a few bottles of water to avoid any damage to your hair or skin.

Getting rid of hard water stains!!!
      Once I fixed my hard water problem, I was then faced with the ugly yellow stains that it left in the Bathtub, toilet and Bathroom sink. I looked for different solutions and found that baking soda and vinegar was the most popular one. I tried this solution several times, several different ways. I allowed it to soak overnight. I even made a paste and scrubbed until my arms couldn't take it any longer but the stains remained. Finally I was told by my landlord to try a product called WHINK. I was skeptical but decided to give it try, after all I had nothing to lose and I wanted the hideous stains gone! I went to my nearest hardware store and purchased two bottles of Whink for $7.00 each and headed home hoping for the best. The directions were very simple (pour whink on the problem area and rinse with cold water immediately. Repeat if necessary). Whink is a miracle in a bottle. Not only did it work but I only used 1 bottle for my entire bathroom. If you have hard water and have any additional advice on how to fix it, please comment below.